IDE neu Kompilieren Anchoordocking

Für Fragen rund um die Ide und zum Debugger
Arthur Dent
Beiträge: 21
Registriert: Mi 15. Feb 2012, 22:17

IDE neu Kompilieren Anchoordocking

Beitrag von Arthur Dent »

Moin Leude!

Ich hab grad versucht das anchordock-paket zu installieren und die IDE neu zu kompilieren. Leider bin ich dabei kläglich gescheitert. Die einzelnen pakete werden offenbar noch erfolgreich erstellt.
Beim erstellen der IDE hakt aber irgendwas. Kann Jemand helfen?
Ich benutze Lazarus 1.8.4 mit FPC 3.0.4 auf win8, 64bit. (tagesaktueller 64 bit installer)
Liegt es evt. an windows 8 ? hab aktuell leider grad keine alternative.

Vielen dank im Voraus für eure Hilfe!

Anbei mal die Compiler-meldungen:

Code: Alles auswählen

Kompiliere Package CodeTools 1.0.1: Erfolg, Hinweise: 1
codebeautifier.pas(241,54) Hint: Parameter "SrcPos" not used
Kompiliere Package AnchorDocking 0.6: Erfolg
Kompiliere Package lhelpcontrolpkg 0.2: Erfolg
Kompiliere Package pascalscript Erfolg, Warnungen: 47, Hinweise: 2
uPSRuntime.pas(1352,13) Warning: Implicit string type conversion from "AnsiString" to "WideString"
uPSRuntime.pas(1358,13) Warning: Implicit string type conversion from "AnsiString" to "WideString"
uPSRuntime.pas(1364,17) Warning: Implicit string type conversion from "AnsiString" to "WideString"
uPSRuntime.pas(1369,13) Warning: Implicit string type conversion from "AnsiString" to "WideString"
uPSRuntime.pas(1375,13) Warning: Implicit string type conversion from "AnsiString" to "WideString"
uPSRuntime.pas(1381,17) Warning: Implicit string type conversion from "AnsiString" to "WideString"
uPSRuntime.pas(3564,37) Warning: Implicit string type conversion from "Char" to "WideString"
uPSRuntime.pas(3586,37) Warning: Implicit string type conversion from "Char" to "WideString"
uPSRuntime.pas(3893,10) Warning: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
uPSRuntime.pas(8711,9) Warning: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
uPSRuntime.pas(8711,9) Warning: Converting pointers to signed integers may result in wrong comparison results and range errors, use an unsigned type instead.
uPSRuntime.pas(8746,8) Warning: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
uPSRuntime.pas(8746,8) Warning: Converting pointers to signed integers may result in wrong comparison results and range errors, use an unsigned type instead.,19) Warning: Use of -offset(%ebp) is not recommended for local variable access,20) Warning: Use of -offset(%ebp) is not recommended for local variable access,20) Warning: Use of -offset(%ebp) is not recommended for local variable access,18) Warning: Use of -offset(%ebp) is not recommended for local variable access,19) Warning: Use of -offset(%ebp) is not recommended for local variable access,19) Warning: Use of -offset(%ebp) is not recommended for local variable access,16) Warning: No size specified and unable to determine the size of the operands, using DWORD as default,18) Warning: Use of -offset(%ebp) is not recommended for local variable access,26) Warning: Check size of memory operand "movsd: memory-operand-size is 64 bits, but expected [128 bits]",20) Warning: Use of -offset(%ebp) is not recommended for local variable access,28) Warning: Check size of memory operand "movsd: memory-operand-size is 64 bits, but expected [128 bits]",17) Note: Local variable "IsVirtualCons" is assigned but never used
uPSRuntime.pas(9915,15) Warning: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
uPSRuntime.pas(9915,15) Warning: Converting pointers to signed integers may result in wrong comparison results and range errors, use an unsigned type instead.
uPSRuntime.pas(9929,16) Warning: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
uPSRuntime.pas(9929,16) Warning: Converting pointers to signed integers may result in wrong comparison results and range errors, use an unsigned type instead.
uPSRuntime.pas(10019,17) Warning: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
uPSRuntime.pas(10059,13) Warning: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
uPSRuntime.pas(10108,13) Warning: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
uPSRuntime.pas(10542,69) Warning: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
uPSRuntime.pas(12703,80) Warning: Implicit string type conversion with potential data loss from "WideString" to "AnsiString"
uPSCompiler.pas(5328,3) Note: Local variable "C" is assigned but never used
uPSCompiler.pas(9958,15) Warning: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
uPSCompiler.pas(9967,15) Warning: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
uPSCompiler.pas(10100,15) Warning: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
uPSCompiler.pas(10109,15) Warning: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
uPSCompiler.pas(10501,38) Warning: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
uPSCompiler.pas(10501,110) Warning: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
uPSCompiler.pas(10511,12) Warning: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
uPSCompiler.pas(10516,38) Warning: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
uPSCompiler.pas(10525,12) Warning: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
uPSCompiler.pas(10530,38) Warning: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
uPSCompiler.pas(10516,38) Warning: Converting pointers to signed integers may result in wrong comparison results and range errors, use an unsigned type instead.
uPSCompiler.pas(10530,38) Warning: Converting pointers to signed integers may result in wrong comparison results and range errors, use an unsigned type instead.
uPSPreProcessor.pas(320,13) Warning: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
uPSPreProcessor.pas(711,22) Warning: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
Kompiliere Package IDEIntf 1.0: Erfolg, Warnungen: 1
objectinspector.pp(1304,32) Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
Kompiliere Package jcfidelazarus 2.0: Erfolg, Hinweise: 1
JcfSystemUtils.pas(64,40) Hint: Unit "FileCtrl" not used in JcfSystemUtils
Kompiliere Package TAChartLazarusPkg 1.0: Erfolg, Hinweise: 10
tageometry.pas(115,3) Hint: Unit "GraphMath" not used in TAGeometry
tatextelements.pas(22,3) Hint: Unit "GraphMath" not used in TATextElements
tachartaxis.pas(269,50) Hint: Unit "TAGeometry" not used in TAChartAxis
tagraph.pas(472,21) Hint: Unit "GraphMath" not used in TAGraph
taradialseries.pas(660,3) Note: Local variable "isClosed" not used
taradialseries.pas(824,3) Note: Local variable "s" not used
taradialseries.pas(824,6) Note: Local variable "c" not used
taseries.pas(355,3) Hint: Unit "GraphMath" not used in TASeries
tatools.pas(21,26) Hint: Unit "GraphMath" not used in TATools
tadatatools.pas(125,3) Hint: Unit "GraphMath" not used in TADataTools
Kompiliere Package LazDebuggerGdbmi 0.1: Erfolg, Warnungen: 2, Hinweise: 2
cmdlinedebugger.pp(227,13) Warning: Symbol "GetTickCount" is deprecated: "Use GetTickCount64 instead"
cmdlinedebugger.pp(253,13) Warning: Symbol "GetTickCount" is deprecated: "Use GetTickCount64 instead"
gdbmidebugger.pp(8642,19) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
gdbmidebugger.pp(12206,9) Hint: use DIV instead to get an integer result
Kompiliere Package RunTimeTypeInfoControls 0.1: Erfolg
Kompiliere Package EditorMacroScript 0.0: Erfolg, Warnungen: 2, Hinweise: 10
emscriptclasses.pas(137,8) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
emscriptclasses.pas(176,65) Hint: Conversion between ordinals and pointers is not portable
emsselftest.pas(59,3) Note: Local variable "TestResultA" is assigned but never used
emsselftest.pas(12,31) Hint: Unit "SynEditTypes" not used in EMSSelfTest
emsselftest.pas(14,38) Hint: Unit "uPSDebugger" not used in EMSSelfTest
emsselftest.pas(14,51) Hint: Unit "uPSR_std" not used in EMSSelfTest
emsselftest.pas(14,61) Hint: Unit "uPSC_std" not used in EMSSelfTest
emsideoptions.pas(24,21) Hint: Parameter "ADialog" not used
emsideoptions.pas(61,28) Warning: unreachable code
emsideoptions.pas(25,28) Hint: Parameter "AOptions" not used
emsideoptions.pas(26,29) Hint: Parameter "AOptions" not used
registerems.pas(25,28) Warning: unreachable code
Kompiliere Package leakview 1.0: Erfolg, Warnungen: 4
dbginforeader.pas(51,2) Warning: User defined: This code is not thread-safe, and needs improvement
dbginforeader.pas(725,2) Warning: User defined: This code is not thread-safe, and needs improvement
heaptrcview.pas(440,36) Warning: Implicit string type conversion from "AnsiString" to "WideString"
heaptrcview.pas(494,41) Warning: Implicit string type conversion from "AnsiString" to "WideString"
Kompiliere Package SQLDBLaz 1.0.2: Erfolg
Kompiliere Package ExternHelp 1.3: Erfolg
Kompiliere Package ChmHelpPkg 0.2: Erfolg
Kompiliere Package ToDoListLaz 1.0.2: Erfolg, Hinweise: 2
todolist.pas(165,51) Hint: Parameter "CanClose" not used
todolist.pas(68,3) Hint: Unit "AvgLvlTree" not used in TodoList
Kompiliere Package ProjTemplates 1.0: Erfolg
Kompiliere Package SynEditDsgn 1.0: Erfolg
Kompiliere Package AnchorDockingDsgn 0.5: Erfolg
Kompiliere Package DateTimeCtrlsDsgn 1.5.1: Erfolg
Kompiliere Package fpcunitide 0.1: Erfolg
Kompiliere Package TurboPowerIProDsgn 0.0: Erfolg
Kompiliere Package printers4lazide 0.0: Erfolg
Kompiliere Package MemDSLaz 1.2.1: Erfolg
Kompiliere Package InstantFPCLaz 1.0: Erfolg
Kompiliere Package LazControlDsgn 0.0: Erfolg
Kompiliere Package DBFLaz 0.1.1: Erfolg
IDE erstellen: Exit code 255, Fehler: 25
Panic: C:\lazarus\fpc\3.0.4\bin\x86_64-win64\make.exe: Entering directory `C:/lazarus'
Panic: C:/lazarus/fpc/3.0.4/bin/x86_64-win64/make.exe -C ide idepkg
Panic: make.exe[1]: Entering directory `C:/lazarus/ide'

Panic: ../tools/svn2revisioninc.exe ..
Panic: Warning: svn not in path.
Panic: C:/lazarus/fpc/3.0.4/bin/x86_64-win64/make.exe --assume-new=lazarus.pp lazarus.exe OPT=' -WG @C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\lazarus\idemake.cfg'
Panic: make.exe[2]: Entering directory `C:/lazarus/ide'
Panic: C:/lazarus/fpc/3.0.4/bin/x86_64-win64/fpc.exe -gl -vbqewnhi -Sci -dlclwin32 -Fu../designer -Fu../debugger -Fu../debugger/frames -Fu../converter -Fu../packager -Fu../packager/frames -Fu../components/custom -Fuinclude/win -Fuframes -Fu. -Fiinclude -Fiinclude/win64 -Fi../images -FE.. -FU../units/x86_64-win64/win32 -WG @C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\lazarus\idemake.cfg -dx86_64 lazarus.pp
Panic: Hint: (11030) Start of reading config file C:\lazarus\fpc\3.0.4\bin\x86_64-win64\fpc.cfg
Panic: Hint: (11031) End of reading config file C:\lazarus\fpc\3.0.4\bin\x86_64-win64\fpc.cfg
Panic: Hint: (11030) Start of reading config file C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\lazarus\idemake.cfg
Panic: Hint: (11031) End of reading config file C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\lazarus\idemake.cfg
Panic: Free Pascal Compiler version 3.0.4 [2018/05/19] for x86_64
Panic: Copyright (c) 1993-2017 by Florian Klaempfl and others
Panic: (1002) Target OS: Win64 for x64
Panic: (3104) Compiling lazarus.pp
Panic: C:\lazarus\ide\lazarus.pp(111,20) Warning: (5044) Symbol "MainFormOnTaskBar" is not portable
Panic: (9022) Compiling resource C:\lazarus\units\x86_64-win64\win32\lazarus.obj
Panic: (9015) Linking ..\lazarus.exe
Panic: (1008) 252 lines compiled, 23.6 sec, 13065824 bytes code, 839140 bytes data
Panic: (1021) 1 warning(s) issued
Panic: (1022) 4 hint(s) issued
Panic: make.exe[1]: *** [idepkg] Error 255
Panic: C:\lazarus\fpc\3.0.4\bin\x86_64-win64\make.exe: *** [idepkg] Error 255
Panic: tool stopped with exit code 255. Use context menu to get more information.

Beiträge: 4889
Registriert: Fr 8. Apr 2011, 09:01

Re: IDE neu Kompilieren Anchoordocking

Beitrag von wp_xyz »

Habe mir gerade das AnchorDocking-Package in die 1.8.4-IDE installiert (64-Bit) und das lief einwandfrei durch. Ich habe zwar Win 10, aber das sollte nicht das Problem sein. Wie hast du das Package installiert? RIchtig ist: Menü "Package" > "Installierte Packages einrichten", "AnchorDockingDsgn" in der rechten Liste auswählen, "Auswahl installieren" klicken, dann "Speichern und IDE kompilieren". Nach einiger Zeit startet Lazarus mit der gedockten IDE.

Wieso schreibst du "tagesaktueller 64-Bit-Installer"? Für die Installation eines Packages braucht man keinen eigenen Installer.

Timm Thaler
Beiträge: 1224
Registriert: So 20. Mär 2016, 22:14
OS, Lazarus, FPC: Win7-64bit Laz1.9.0 FPC3.1.1 für Win, RPi, AVR embedded
CPU-Target: Raspberry Pi 3

Re: IDE neu Kompilieren Anchoordocking

Beitrag von Timm Thaler »

Ich verwende für Installationen nur noch Fpcupdeluxe. Da kann man Anchrodocking auswählen und installieren lassen.

Auf dem Raspi ging das letztens schief, obwohl die Installation von FPC und Lazarus problemlos durchlief. Swap eingeschalten und auf 2GB gesetzt und dann ging auch das Kompilieren von Anchordocking. Der Speicher sollte aber auf einem PC-System kein Problem sein.

Beiträge: 6194
Registriert: Do 2. Jan 2014, 17:21
OS, Lazarus, FPC: Linux (die neusten Trunk)
CPU-Target: 64Bit
Wohnort: Schweiz

Re: IDE neu Kompilieren Anchoordocking

Beitrag von Mathias »

Ich verwende für Installationen nur noch Fpcupdeluxe. Da kann man Anchrodocking auswählen und installieren lassen.

Anchordocking sollte eigentlich sehr einfach sein, da diese Komponente bei Lazarus schon dabei ist.
Mit Lazarus sehe ich grün
Mit Java und C/C++ sehe ich rot

Arthur Dent
Beiträge: 21
Registriert: Mi 15. Feb 2012, 22:17

Re: IDE neu Kompilieren Anchoordocking

Beitrag von Arthur Dent »

Hab in der vergangenen Woche noch mehrere Dinge probiert. Z.b. neuinstallieren; fPC deluxe; installation vom pack von sogar testweise mal installation von code typhoon.
Der Fehler trat bei allen Versuchen mit Lazarus, ausser bei newpascal auf. Die mit newpascal erzeugte IDE war allerdings stellenweise relativ "unfertig/hässlich" (niedrig aufgelöste icons/ eigenartiges look and feel ...) Kompilieren von Code Typhoon hat problemlos fuktioniert. Würd aber gern bei Lazarus bleiben und habs daher wieder deinstalliert.
